Navago Natural Indie Beauty Wellness Products Discovering Natural Indie Beauty together with Wellness Products amongst Navago + Giveaway!

Over the years, I have got come upward across together with featured quite a flake of natural beauty brands, together with ane matter that ever keeps things interesting for me equally a blogger when it comes to chatting dark-green beauty is that at that topographic point are ever so many more indie companies out at that topographic point to hold out discovered! While it tin hold out prissy to larn a production that is super pop together with raved close past times what seems similar everyone on the internet, I larn that much to a greater extent than excited to uncovering brands I've heard no ane else verbalize about. One of my personal joys is to shine a spotlight on these smaller, non-mainstream companies, together with later of late beingness introduced to NAVAGO*, it's similar I striking the jackpot! 

NAVAGO is an online marketplace that offers hundreds of products from over 50 witting indie beauty brands - together with later scanning their brands list, I was solely familiar amongst 3 of them! I volition hold out sharing a choice of products from 6 new-to-me natural peel attention together with wellness brands: Revival Body Care, The Honey Pot Company, Herbal Heart Apothecary, Eco Modern Essentials, Be Biotin together with Hip & Chick Organiks, all founded past times people who are passionate close creating health-conscious together with eco-friendly products. Keep reading to uncovering out how you could win all products featured in this post!

Navago Natural Indie Beauty Wellness Products Discovering Natural Indie Beauty together with Wellness Products amongst Navago + Giveaway!

Body scrubs are an essential for me when it comes to properly exfoliating my torso - loofahs are alright, but I experience similar goose egg compares to a proficient refined saccharify and/or tabular array salt scrub to slough off dead peel cells when showering. My scrubs of preference thus far have got been those containing coffee, but I volition tell they are non thus fun when it comes to the mess they travel out behind. So when I received this production from Revival Body Care, piffling did I know I was inwards for a treat! The founder, Nicole, an active woman nurture of 3 daughters, developed this vegan trouble to reverberate her love for nature's bounty equally good equally her passion for leading a salubrious lifestyle. These handmade whipped exfoliators are available inwards a few unlike scents, together with I got the Grapefruit + Mint Natural Body Scrub (US$19.95). 

When I start opened the packet, I was greeted past times a rigid yet pleasant aroma of kokosnoot together with grapefruit, amongst exactly a hint of peppermint. The base of operations of the scrub is made amongst organic cane refined saccharify together with Himalayan body of body of water salt, together with it tin hold out used on both the aspect upward together with body! Not solely does this mix cause your lymphatic organization together with aid detox your body, but amongst regular use, you lot tin await to run across a reduction inwards cellulite, stretch marks together with if you lot are a nestling similar me, stubborn ingrown hairs. To larn the most out of the scrub, I apply some on my build clean peel together with rub it all over inwards circular motions, together with and then travel out it on for close x minutes to allow my peel absorb all of those delightful natural oils together with extracts. Once I pace out of the shower, my peel is thus incredibly smoothen together with glowy that I don't fifty-fifty attain for my torso lotion - out together with done!

Navago Natural Indie Beauty Wellness Products Discovering Natural Indie Beauty together with Wellness Products amongst Navago + Giveaway!

Non-irritating together with natural facial wipes tin hold out a tricky matter to find, allow lone feminine wipes! Even natural ones have got left my aspect upward cherry from stinging correct later use. This is where The Honey Pot Company comes inwards (don't allow the hollo fool you, this build is really 100% vegan)! Founder Beatrice, wanting to larn off antibiotics to process unwelcome infections, developed the start plant-based feminine attention organization on the market, which includes these Normal Feminine Wipes (US$10.99, thirty count).

Not solely tin you lot usage them on your face, but likewise your torso (including downward there)! They are gynecologist approved together with pH balanced, together with made amongst sustainable rainforest alliance rayon which is costless of chlorine, parabens, pesticides, carcinogens together with sulfates. One matter is for sure, I wasn't expecting that they would olfactory holding this proficient - super citrusy together with fresh! Some primal natural extracts include aloe foliage juice, cucumber extract, oat extract, kokosnoot juice, sunflower crude together with calendula blossom extract. This is likewise the perfect buddy to have got amongst you lot on the travel - I've been keeping it it my gym handbag to freshen upward later yoga class!

Navago Natural Indie Beauty Wellness Products Discovering Natural Indie Beauty together with Wellness Products amongst Navago + Giveaway!

Speaking of yoga, I'm all the same really much a beginner together with that agency my torso has been taking a flake of a beating, particularly my knees which have got been bruising quite badly. But I'm non letting that halt me, together with the Herbal Heart Apothecary has been coming to the rescue! The build is run past times mother-daughter duo, Heather together with Sierra Goldstein, who harvest together with infuse their ain floral together with herbal blends to add together to their handmade peel care. My saviour you lot ask? Their Warrior Stick (US$20), a topical balm which works below the skin's surface to salve bruising, aches together with pain.

H5N1 base of operations of wildcrafted together with organic olive oil, bees wax, together with vitamin eastward oil, combined amongst extracts of arnica, calendula, rosemary, thyme, St. John's Wort, comfrey foliage together with slippery elm bark travel inwards unison to heal from the exterior in. Entirely sourced from nature agency you lot don't have got to worry close whatever nasties, such equally artificial fragrances, parabens or fillers. Simply apply the enterprise stick straight onto the peel together with it volition right away melt on contact. The scent is really invigorating, definitely really herbal together with earthy. I experience similar this production genuinely works: my bruises have got been fading thus much faster since starting usage together with I've likewise been applying a sparse layer over sore muscles, similar my hamstrings together with abdominals, to aid speed upward recovery fourth dimension later a workout.

Navago Natural Indie Beauty Wellness Products Discovering Natural Indie Beauty together with Wellness Products amongst Navago + Giveaway!

Since discovering crude blends, I experience similar a changed woman! Instead of reaching for spray perfumes, I've been gravitating toward perfume oils, fifty-fifty only equally a pick me up! The matter amongst topical natural crude blends is that they non solely serve the role of smelling good, but depending on the extracts included together with their properties, they tin aid salve specific aches together with ailments together with fifty-fifty boost your mood! Enter the latest essential crude concoction that has made its way into my life from Australian build Eco Modern Essentials, the Eco Aroma Women's Blend Essential Oil Roller Ball (US$16.50). Created past times Claire Mitchell on the Gold Coast, the simplicity together with effectiveness of their products is at the root of the brand's mission.

Smelling proficient and feeling good? I hateful what's non to love! This mixture of cedarwood, lavender, geranium together with ylang ylang restores calmness together with residuum to the take away heed together with body, spell likewise helping you lot focus. I personally bask applying it whenever I am feeling stressed or anxious to the within of my wrists together with forehead, but you lot tin likewise ringlet it on your temples, the dorsum of your cervix together with the tops of your feet. Inhaling the rich, floral scent right away makes me experience grounded together with knowing that the build uses natural together with organic ingredients sourced from ethical sources is exactly the cherry on top.

Navago Natural Indie Beauty Wellness Products Discovering Natural Indie Beauty together with Wellness Products amongst Navago + Giveaway!

If you've researched ways to grow your pilus or strengthen your nails similar I have, I'm for certain you've come upward across the really pop B-vitamin called biotin. This coenzyme converts fats, proteins together with carbohydrates into liberate energy together with tin hold out constitute inwards for certain foods, such equally bananas, mushrooms together with avocados. I had never taken a biotin supplement, thus I was supper happy to hold out introduced to Be Biotin. The build was really developed past times hairstylist Giulia Heiman who wanted to offering a natural solution for pilus loss to her clients. Their biotin hair, peel together with smash vitamin supplements (US$32, 35 capsules) likewise come about to hold out plant-based, beingness costless of wheat together with dairy, equally good equally unnecessary fillers, dies, artificial colors or preservatives. One capsule contains 5000 mcg of biotin, equally good equally organic pumpkin seed, organic saw palmetto together with pygeum bark (an african tree) powders. These 3 herbs combined amongst vitamin B7 (biotin) have got been shown to lower DHT levels, the testosterone hormone which has been shown to cause pilus loss together with thinning equally nosotros age.

I went through ane episode inwards the past times where I lost quite a flake of pilus together with I wishing I had known close this build dorsum then! Over the years, my pilus has larn thicker together with stronger past times next a plant-based diet. As I of late chopped a big chunk of my pilus off (from past times my belly push clit to shoulder length), I'm all close getting it to grow long together with rigid fast, thus I've been taking one capsule of Be Biotin daily amongst my breakfast together with I am at nowadays close halfway through the bottle, together with spell it's difficult to run across a noticeable departure exactly yet, I have got non experienced whatever negative side effects such equally acne, which has been a argue I've held dorsum from trying biotin inwards the past times - I had read reviews where people reported breaking out next use, but later reading close how natural this detail supplement is, my worries were seat to rest. I practise experience similar I've had less overall pilus shedding, thus that's a proficient sign! I am counting downward the days until the ane calendar month mark, which is when ane unremarkably sees a noticeable modify inwards pilus growth amongst daily intake of the supplement.

Navago Natural Indie Beauty Wellness Products Discovering Natural Indie Beauty together with Wellness Products amongst Navago + Giveaway!

I am quite picky when it comes to my candle choice equally I am sensitive to overpowering, artificial scents, together with proficient lineament natural candles tin hold out difficult to come upward by. I've had my oculus on getting a novel soy candle for a while, thus beingness introduced to Hip & Chick Organiks couldn't have got come upward at a improve time! The build was created past times a tight-knit woman nurture together with immature lady duo inwards California together with all of their bath, torso together with abode products are handcrafted together with made inwards pocket-size batches using the finest (and organic where possible) ingredients. When I saw that the Flower Power Soy Candle's (US$28) scent is described equally non beingness overpowering, I was really crossing my fingers that this was the representative - together with thankfully the production lives upward to its claim!

As I am writing this, I am surrounded past times a delightful floral together with slightly fruity aroma, from a combination of gardenia together with pomegranate, burning on the java tabular array beside me. Natural soy candles are a keen choice to traditional alkane series wax candles equally they are non-toxic together with environmentally-friendly, amongst the added practise goodness of having a longer sack time. The hand-poured Flower Power Soy Candle comes inwards a reusable drinking glass jolt amongst a cotton wool centre wick together with tin sack for 45+ hours, together with for its relatively pocket-size size, that is really impressive!

And at nowadays for the giveaway you've been waiting for!

One lucky reader volition win all 6 natural indie beauty together with wellbeing products featured inwards this post! To enter, only create total out the Rafflecopter box below. The start entry is mandatory, together with in ane lawsuit completed, to a greater extent than entries volition hold out unlocked to increase your chances of winning. *This giveaway is opened upward to Canada together with the States residents only.* Good luck!

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*Disclaimer: This post was sponsored past times Navago. Affiliate links are provided.